This glove, designed in collaboration with 3 wineries, features an ergonomic palm reinforcement specially designed for pruning and pulling wood from the vine. This glove is ideal for cold and damp environments, thanks to its warm acrylic knit and water-repellent coating.
Warm glove specially developed for vine wood pulling and intensive pruning.
The SARMENT protective glove was designed in collaboration with 3 wineries and is recommended for the following uses:
- Wood pulling and vine pruning -Arboriculture: intensive pruning and maintenance - Maintenance of green spaces
The Rostaing SARMENT glove offers the following advantages:
- Ideal protection in cold and damp weather (down to 0°C). The SARMENT warm glove is knitted in brushed acrylic that is very pleasant to the skin , with a breathable, water-repellent coating. - Prolonged, use-tested durability. The resistant reinforcement on the 1st wear zone (palm and fingers) increases its durability over time by being 5 times more durable. - This ergonomic reinforcementreduces hand fatigue during intensive use of the pruning shears. - The glove, with its ergonomic and comfortable knitting, will enable you to maintain the necessary dexterity during your various actions. - Water-repellent nitrile palm and finger coating keeps your hands dry.
Care instructions: Wash with soap and warm water after use, and air-dry away from heat. Store gloves away from moisture and light.
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3x more durable: ergonomic reinforcement on wear zones
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5 /5
Calculated from 8 customer reviews
sandrine b .
published on 31/01/2025
following an order from 13/01/2025
Nickel I recommend
Pascal M .
published on 08/12/2024
following an order dated 17/11/2024
I had already bought a pair of gloves last year and as I was very satisfied with them, I renewed the purchase this year. These gloves protect very well and are very resistant. I'd recommend them to anyone who has to knock down grapevines.
Vincent B.
published on 28/11/2024
following an order dated 10/11/2024
Excellent quality
Hervé B.
published on 29/02/2024
following an order dated 12/02/2024
Hello, is it possible to make the index and middle fingers less slippery and/or compatible with smartphones to avoid removing the gloves when someone calls? Thank you.
Marie-Noëlle B.
published on 28/02/2024
following an order dated 11/02/2024
After an initial test, appears to be as described (purchased for manual pruning yesterday).
Anonymous customer
published on 22/01/2024
following an order dated 03/01/2024
Anonymous customer
published on 19/11/2022
following an order dated 11/11/2022
Solid and warm
Anonymous customer
published on 13/05/2022
following an order from 04/05/2022
first purchase of this model, haven't tried it yet glove for vine pruning and wood pulling SARMENT products/Our world/Handling/Wet/Our world/Garden, DIY & Hobbies/Our world/Garden, DIY & Hobbies/Gardening/Our World/Green Spaces, Crafts & Construction/Our products/Protection gloves/Cryogenic gloves/Cold gloves/Our products/Forestry work/Our world/Handling/Dry/Our products/Gardening/Green spaces/Nos universes/Espaces-verts, artisanats & BTP/Paysagisme & aménagements extérieurs/Nos universes/Espaces-verts, artisanats & BTP/Agriculture & Horticulture/Nos universes/Espaces-verts, artisanats & BTP/Entretien des forêts/Our world/Industry/Our products/Gloves by protection/Anti-abrasion/Our products/Gloves by specificity/Half-season gloves/Our products/Gloves by specifications/Coated gloves/Our products/Gloves by materials/Para-aramid/Our products/Gloves by materials/Nitrile/Our world/Garden/Our world/Green spaces/Our universes/Green spaces, crafts & public works/Artisans & public works10190207208238240144188317315276277278271292296301303304329326152<p><strong>Découvrez le gant de protection taille et tirage des bois de la vigne SARMENT. </strong></p>
<p>Ce gant, conçu en collaboration avec 3 domaines viticoles, dispose d'un renfort ergonomique en paume spécialement pensé pour la taille et le tirage des bois de la vigne. Ce gant est idéal pour les milieux froids et humides grâce à son tricot acrylique chaud et son enduction déperlante.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 16px;"><strong>Gant chaud spécialement développé pour le tirage des bois de vigne et la taille intensive.</strong></span></p>
<p><br />Le gant de protection SARMENT a été <strong>conçu en collaboration avec 3 domaines viticoles </strong>et est préconisé pour les usages suivants :</p>
<p>- Le<strong> tirage des bois</strong> et la <strong>taille de la vigne</strong><br />- L'<strong>arboriculture</strong> : taille intensive et entretien<br />- L'entretien des <strong>espaces verts</strong></p>
<p><br />Le gant Rostaing SARMENT présente les avantages suivants :</p>
<p>- Une <strong>protection idéale par temps froid et humide (jusqu'à 0°C)</strong>. Le gant chaud SARMENT est tricoté en acrylique brushé <strong>très agréable au contact de la peau </strong>avec une enduction respirante et déperlante.<br />- Une durée de vie prolongée testée en usage. Le <strong>renfort résistant sur la 1ère zone d'usure</strong> (paume et doigts) augmente sa durabilité dans le temps en étant <strong>5 fois plus durable.</strong><br />- Ce <strong>renfort</strong> ergonomique <strong>diminue la fatigue de votre main</strong> lors de l'utilisation intensive du sécateur.<br />- Le gant, au tricotage <strong>ergonomique et confortable</strong>, vous permettra de<strong> garder la dextérité</strong> nécessaire lors de vos différentes actions.<br />- Une <strong>déperlance à l’eau</strong> apportée par l’enduction paume et doigts en nitrile qui vous permettra de <strong>garder vos mains au sec.</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em><strong>Conseil d'entretien :</strong> Lavez après usage à l’eau tiède et au savon, laissez sécher à l’air libre loin d’une source de chaleur.</em><br /><em>Puis conservez vos gants à l’abri de l’humidité et de la lumière.</em></p>00 protective glove for vine pruning and wood pulling22.822.8 - M1962SARMENT-9 protective glove for vine pruning and wood pulling22.822.8 - L1963SARMENT-10 protective glove for vine pruning and wood pulling22.822.8 - XL1964SARMENT-11 protective glove for vine pruning and wood pulling22.822.8 - XXL2198SARMENT-7 protective pruning glove - S22.822.8 - S3x more durable: ergonomic reinforcement on wear zonesGood grip on pruning shearsIdeal for wet and cool weather (down to 0°C)4345Acrylic, Nitrile, Para-aramidII3131XX1XPalmNo0°C to 10°CNoNoNoNoNoAsiaHand washBlack, GreenEN 388, EN 511