100% cotton under-glove ideal to wear under your work glove when the weather turns cooler.
This underglove can also be worn as a light handling glove.
The underglove is washable and ambidextrous, doubling its lifespan.
Care instructions : Wash after use with warm water and soap, let dry in the open air far from a heat source. Then keep your gloves away from moisture and light.
https://www.rostaing.com/sous-gant-pour-le-froid-xj7bc.html?___store=french1767XJ7BC cold weather glovehttps://www.rostaing.com/media/catalog/product/c/o/copie-de-xj7bc-i_72dpi.jpg7.147.14EURInStock/Our products/Our world/Handling/Our world/Material handling/Dry/Our world/Green spaces, crafts & construction/Our world/Handling/Handling gloves/Spaces-verts/Nos universes/Espaces-verts, artisanats & BTP/Paysagisme & aménagements extérieurs/Our products/Gloves by protection/Anti-cold and cryogenics/Our products/Gloves by specificity/Half-season gloves/Our products/Gloves by specificities/Thin gloves/Our world/Green spaces10151188238242315276162296297326<p><strong>Découvrez le sous gant 100% coton XJ7BC.</strong></p>
<p>Ce sous gant est idéal pour être porté sous son gant de travail en milieu froid.</p> <p><strong>Sous-gant 100% coton idéal pour mettre sous votre gant de travail quand le temps se rafraîchit.</strong></p>
<p>Ce sous gant peut également être porté en tant que gant pour <strong>manutention légère.</strong></p>
<p>Le sous gant est <strong>lavable et ambidextre</strong>, ce qui permet de <strong>doubler sa durée de vie.</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #000000;"><strong>Conseil d'entretien :</strong> Lavez après usage à l’eau tiède et au savon, laissez sécher à l’air libre loin d’une source de chaleur. Puis conservez vos gants à l’abri de l’humidité et de la lumière.</span></em></p>001768Cotton underglove XJ7BC-97.147.14https://www.rostaing.com/media/catalog/product/x/j/xj_7bc-i_300dpi_1.jpgInStock9 - L1595Underglove XJ7BC7.147.14https://www.rostaing.com/media/catalog/product/x/j/xj_7_bc_mep.jpgInStock7 - SProtects against positive coldCan be worn as an under-gloveSoft and comfortable5512CottonIThin glovesNo0°C to 10°CNoNoNoNoNoMoroccoHand wash, Machine 30°CWhiteMinor risks